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On the edge of Europe, a flame was ignited in the summer of 2013. What seemed like a new and widespread social fire was sparked by protests in Turkey.

The delegitimization of the political class by the people is already a reality in several countries and is destined to involve more and more of them. This time the pretext was the protection of a park, but the underlying motive uniting the dissent is a growing thirst for social justice felt by ordinary people, driven by the constant wear and tear of their inalienable rights.

From Italy to Greece to Spain, and this time in Turkey, we see a deepening of resentment towards a ruling class by which a similar group of people no longer feel represented.

The movement born in Istanbul was an exceptional laboratory, a perfectly successful experiment in cooperation and self-organization. It was an example of a new social dynamic involving the most disparate sections of the population.  
A painful thorn in the side of power, to which Erdogan responded in the most obvious of ways. He could have continued to occupy Gezi Park for months if he had not been forcibly evicted after two weeks.

All this without a leader, without a guru.

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